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Project information:
Completion: 05/2017
Total construction sum: € 8.2 million
Gross floor area: 2,620 sqm
Client: Association of the Northwest German Textile and Clothing Industry e.V.
Architects: behet bondzio lin architekten
Material: 1682tvm, Wasserstrich,DF, terrakotta
Photos: Thomas Wrede, Andreas Secci
Nominee Fritz-Hoeger-Award 2020
Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2017 des BDA Muenster: Recognition
Award for Marketing + Architecture: 1st prize, category “Company headquarters, office and commercial buildings, industrial and commercial buildings"
Heinze ArchitektenAward 2019 Shortlist
Bricks are hard, rough and in any case immovable, that is the general tenor. In Muenster in North Rhine-Westphalia, however, the new building of the Northwest Textile and Clothing Association shows a different, very soft and textile-looking side of bricks. The approximately 70-metre-wide façade gives the impression that the new office building has been wrapped in a cloth. With the help of specially developed shaped bricks and a computer-calculated placement of the bricks, the architects behet bondzio lin from Muenster have succeeded in creating an impressive calling card for the textile association and its members.
The idea of incorporating the theme of fabric through the composition of the brickwork, even from the outside, came from architect Roland Bondzio and his team. The alabaster folds of Max Klinger's statue of Beethoven served as inspiration for the brick façade. Six different shaped bricks create the textile, flowing character. Due to the different angles of the bricks, the façade appears to be in motion, with differentiated depths that reflect the sky differently and create a play of light and shadow.